Tomovoz you became a God while I wasn’t looking-CONGRATULATIONS!
if you like Pat Conroy, read THE BRIDGE by Doug Marlette. Are your new books about a Ladies Detective Agency?
Danise test a foam bed in the store-I did and it killed my back within minutes. Instead we got an air mattress, for me. Keith likes it & I’m not thrilled. On the plus side it is light weight and easy to lift when making the bed.
Stuart thank you for your sweet compliment.
I agree with you, the episodes that didn’t scare me were the best. When my brain begins to function again I will remember which episodes those were. Someone just solved my problem...

Michael Shayne thank you for the list! LITTLE GIRL LOST is one of my two favorite Twilight Zone episodes. My other favorite is TWO with Elizabeth Montgomery and Charles Bronson. I always enjoyed THE FUGITIVE very much.
Dan-in-Toronto making connections is sooo much fun and thanks. I feel like I need to meet your cousin now.