For those of you Dear Readers not suffering through it, I thought you would like to know that it is quintessential earthquake weather here in Southern California.
Nice to see you around, DB.
You may be having earthquake weather, but yesterday brought us the remnants of Frances in these here parts. Apparently, between the 4 - 6 inches of rain she brought with her, and the unusually wet summer we had, the Erie Canal decided to crest yesterday sending the town in which I work, and several surrounding towns, into all-out States of Emergency. In an area that sees 100+ inches of snow each winter, often 6 - 12 at a time, and never cancels classes, they cancelled classes at 11 am yesterday. Didn't close the school and send people home; just cancelled classes.
As it was, my brother-in-law, in Brighton (just south east of Rochester proper) had about 18 inches of water in his basement yesterday, as did the rest of his street.
Fortunately, most of the stuff in the basement (except the washer & dryer, and the carpeting) were toys for their 2.5 year old. As we have been saying (well, OK, as
I have been saying): Clifford, le gross chien rouge, et morte. He didn't even float to the top like so many other of the toys.....