I caution you on wind chimes, BK. While I, too, do like them, they can become grating to neighbors soon after they are hung up for display.
If you do proceed with gettign some, I might recommend someplace like Nature Company (I think that's what it's called), where they have different chimes in different "keys." I have found that the lower the key the chimes...well, chimed in, the less annoying they can be.
On the TOD, I had two school teachers who had great influence and inspiration on me. One was my 5th grade teacher, Ellen Kantrow. She was my teacher at the time of my parent's divorce, and my father's remarriage, and helped me through a very difficult time in my life. (Well, difficult at that point in my life.)
Another was my AP English teacher in high school, Harris Sarney. He taught me -- indirectly -- how to live with dignity as a gay man. (Whether my brother's opinion is the same is of little consequence to my own.)
In a different way, my boss at CAMI was also, in his way, a teacher. He taught me about the business side of "show business." He also taught me -- by his own demonstration -- how NOT to handle alcohol, and how NOT to conduct oneself with decorum both privately and professionally. In other words, he didn't do either very well.....