I'd just seen the news of Christpher Reeve's death on TV. I was going to read all the posts to see if it'd been mentioned yet. Now it has been.

Tomorrow at work, we won't actually be at work. Every (observed) Columbus Day, our entire library system has "All Staff Day" where the entire staff (unless one calls in sick or has an excused absence...no really, you have to have permission to use vacation on All Staff Day), get together and have "staff training." We meet at a different place every year and have a couple of main speakers and two break-out sessions, where we have smaller groups learn about different things. The two sessions I'm going to are "Learn about Horizon" (the new computer system that our library is getting) and "Office Yoga" (yoga moves that one can do in the small confines of one's cubicle or office). Yup, things like that make for one exciting day.

But, it's a paycheck. We'll be done by 4:00 or so, so I hope that I can get home (after some errands) in time for chat. Until then, I'm outta here! (But I'll read all the posts up to this point, first.
