It took long enough, a little over a year, but we've at last got a disc player in my room .
Back in Long Beach, I'd been using a discman with a headset for any music listening I wanted to do. However, as they have a habit of doing, the discman wore out shortly before the move, and there was little if any sense to getting a new discman until after the move because I simply didn't need one. (The car der B drove eastward had a CD player installed, which kept us aurally amused.)
Upon arriving at our new home, there wasn't any real need for me to get a new CD player right away. We had the main entertainment system to play in the living room. I did get myself a pair of earphones, so I could listen to either music or DVDs while der B slept down the hall, but this proved awkward. After a while, I stopped listening to music.
And so things went, until der B spotted a walkman on sale at WalMart, and since it came with a tape deck connection he decided it would be good to have with us in the car, for longer trips. And so it has. But listening to music in the car got me missing having music in my room.
That was resolved this weekend, when der B spotted a combination radio/CD player that could work on either batteries or house power, and had a jack for the headset. All I'd have to do is clear off some space on my desk, and I'd have music again. Plus, since it can work on batteries, we can loan it to his daughter for when she organizes hayrides for the local kids, something for which she's wanted to have music.
I finally got around to hooking things up this morning. The sound over the headset works just fine. (DR Elmore, you'll be glad to know that one of the first pieces I played was the title track from Luker's Anything Goes disc. Nicely done!) Then, I tried out the system's speakers. Buster, who has grown a bit since he rode cross-continent in my lap a year ago, perked up his ears, listening carefully. He got up, and since my bed is level with the desk he was able to sniff at the speakers. He wasn't sure what he was hearing, but pretty soon he was sitting back, cocking he head and wagging his tail.
A minor home improvement, but a good one.