In order to see Hotel Rwanda today, and Million Dollar Baby last week, I had to sojourn to The Grove. These were my first and second visits to the aforemention The Grove. I had avoided The Grove on principle until these two visits. The Grove is one of those outdoor "entertainment centers" (do not call it a "mall") that out-Disneylands Disneyland. Developments like this feature ersatz architecture, built-in theme, and much ado over the very same stores that you might find in Anytown, U.S. of A.
What makes matters worse at The Grove is that despite claims by the developer that this mall entertainment center would be neighborhood-friendly (it is adjacent to the landmark Los Angeles Farmers Market), in reality its streetscape is rather fortress-like. Any development that features an eight-level garage with computer-driven signs that tell you that all eight levels are FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL FULL, I can assure you, is NOT neighborhood-friendly.
There's a Pacific Theatres cineplex of something like a gazillion theatres at The Grove that manages to snare freshly released films that only show on one or two screens in L.A. and New York when they first come out. I've made it a goal to see as many of the Golden Globe- and Oscar-nominated movies as possible before the statuettes are handed out, which is what led me to visit this deplorable concentration of commerce. Maybe next year I'll be willing to wait until the nominees go to wide release.