DR Pogue et al - When you access a page from your History, IE will automatically see if that page is still in your cache, thus you will get the "old" page. And the page will come fast too. Now, if you had closed IE in the interim, it may bring up the new page. -Since closing IE clears your cache - usually - check your IE settings.
It's best to save haineshisway.com and other sites in your Favorites list. Each time you click on a Favorite, it accesses the page anew.
AOL automatically accesses cached pages too - this way it give the illusion of a very fast connection speed. In AOL, just hit the Refresh icon - the Pisces-like arrows, and that should "force" IE/AOL to access the page anew.
I will say, the "cache" has saved me a few times. There have been times when I've logged off, but still kept IE open. And depending upon how many other web pages I've browsed, I can usually bring up a recently viewed page off-line.