What is the matter with people on Facebook. Every month there's a new stupid hoax and every month people fall for it like complete fools. I'm sorry but it's maddening. It began a day or two ago with a chain mail thing saying "I got a friend request from you and I'm already your friend so your account has been cloned." Everyone then says this has happened to millions of accounts and they share and share and share. Well, no - it's a HOAX and someone's having a great laugh at people taking this one to new heights. I've never seen anything like it. They don't Google - if they did they would find numerous articles stating clearly that it's a HOAX. I mean, I'm talking about smart friends of mine who are behaving like they don't have a brain in their head, which seems to be what Facebook does to people. I've been correcting them all day and night and some even fight me on it, which makes them doubly foolish. They say, "but I got a message saying they'd gotten a friend request." Well, no, someone just forwarded the same old crap to you as if they'd written it. They got NOTHING from you. But you know what? Pretty easy to find out: Type your name in the search box - if you see two accounts with your avatar then you know you've been cloned. Everyone who is saying they've heard from people have NOT heard from people - people are just sharing this same thing - that's not hearing from people. If there are not two accounts when you search then you have not been cloned, which has been the case with every single person who's made this post today - when they actually check there's only one account.