If Shakespeare had written "Baby, It's Cold Outside"Romeo: I really can’t stay.Juliet: But baby, it's cold outside.Romeo: I’ve got to go away.Juliet: But baby, it's cold outside.Romeo: This evening has been....Juliet: Been hoping that you'd drop in.Romeo: So on the mark.Juliet: That was the nightingale, not the lark.Romeo: My mother will start to worry,Juliet: Romeo, what's your hurry?Romeo: The Montagues all pacing the floor.Juliet: Listen, it’s my nurse at the door.Romeo: So really I'd better scurry.Juliet: Romeo, go—please hurry!Romeo: Belike I'll stay a half an hour more—Juliet: Exit through the balcony door. [Fade to new scene] Gertrude: The Danish might think...Claudius: Gertrude, it's bad out there.Gertrude: Say, what's in this drink?Claudius: Laertes was stabbed out there.Gertrude: I wish I knew how...Claudius: Your eyes have grown cloudy now.Gertrude: To break this spell.Claudius: I'll hold your crown, your face doth swell.Gertrude: Just wait until Hamlet finds you.Claudius: Mind if I hide behind you?Gertrude: At least I had some fun ere I died.Claudius: What's the sense of more regicide?Gertrude: I really can't stay.Claudius: This groweth sadder.Both: Ah, but it's tragedy. [Fade to new scene] Macbeth: I really should go.Lady Macbeth: But baby the king's in there.Macbeth: The answer is no.Lady Macbeth: Was hope drunk? Your fear's a snare,Macbeth: His welcome doth speak...Lady Macbeth: Unmannish and passing weak.Macbeth: Against the deed.Lady Macbeth: Screw up your courage, that's what you need.Macbeth: The nobles will be suspicious—Lady Macbeth: Seize this moment auspicious!Macbeth: The porter will be there at the door—Lady Macbeth: Old and drunk and likely to snore.Macbeth: Perchance I am too ambitious...Lady Macbeth: Victory tastes delicious!Macbeth: Well maybe I'll do it, if you're sure.Lady Macbeth: Never such advancement before. [Fade to new scene] Desdemona: We're here all alone,Othello: I hope that you sent your prayers.Desdemona: I don't like your tone.Othello: I hope that you meant your prayers.Desdemona: You'll bring us such grief.Othello: Say where is your handkerchief?Desdemona: O, I love thee.Othello: How could you do this thing to me?Desdemona: You're bound to feel better tomorrow...Othello: Think of my lifelong sorrow!Desdemona: At least wait until then to decide.Othello: If you played around on the side!Desdemona: I swear that I'm true.Othello: I'm just getting madder.Both: Baby it's tragedy.
I made it to Louisville.