Visitor has left the premises. Book dealer - he bought a few things. While he was perusing, I managed to do all my futzing and finessing - this was the second time in this book where I wrote a character horribly, then, while tossing and turning, figured out what it should be, made notes, and then today completely rewrote that whole sequence. It's so much more fun now and the change allowed me to add all kinds of detail to it. Since I got ahead last night, I only have ten more pages to write today, so that's good. I've written one new page, am going into a little sequence that will be pretty easy and will take up a few pages, and I know what comes after that, so that will probably comprise today's writing. I do hope to watch something at some point, and I'm going to try and be through with the writing by ten, so I can do the notes and get in bed right after I post them.