Still thinking about the Adventures of Stella, I have to say that Mikey was an experienced escape artist from day one. Now he's thirteen and a bit mellower and easier to watch out for, but in his first several years here, you had to be careful every time you were going to open an outside door. He did, in fact, get out several times over those years, and we don't think he ever went far from the house, but it's scary nonetheless. In these parts you have to be concerned about the raccoons, hawks, coyotes, foxes (and I don't mean the kind those wild and crazy guys had to deal with), bears, and god knows what else, let alone the possibility of him getting all the way down to the road - which is fairly unlikely but you still think of it. Fortunately, these days, the one door he always crouches near, ready to dart, is the one to the basement, which has a place that he can jump up onto a warm air duct and take a nap. We have no idea if he could ever harm it, or it him, but we'd rather he didn't get down there.