I am so irritated right now. There's some effing car that's been sitting outside - never seen it before, that has been sitting there one house south and across the street, idling its loud engine since four-effnig-thirty, which is when it woke me up. I cannot sleep with that noise. I even went outside and glared at it and said "Shut that thing off or leave" - I have no idea if they saw me or heard me. I finally could take it not more and tried calling the Van Nuys Police Department, and despite them saying there was a desk officer twenty-four hours a day no one picked up. So, I called 911, because this crap is impacting my health at this point. They don't care and switch me to the LAPD, who never pick up. We've had a lot of car issues on this street - two where they broke into MY car before I cleared space in the garage, and very recently totally stripping the guy in the back house's car. Loitering is a crime. Making noise at four-thirty in the morning is a crime. And I'm screwed because three hours of sleep is going to make me sick and I've been having vocal issues anyway because of the allergies. I have no idea why they're there. And if I were not seventy-six and I had a weapon I could go out there and have a conversation.