Yes, I'll be excorting Hisaka. Don't aks too many questions.
Just watched Night Visitor, one of the single worst movies ever made - my name appears twice in the credits - once in the cast roll (I do what is called a "brief cameo") and once in the thank yous. I'd completely forgotten I had anything to do with this film - apparently I did a dialogue polish, but the "director" (former producer Rupert Hitzig doing his only directorial outing) preferred the terrible dialogue of the original, save for two or three scenes where I recognize a little "me", including the meet cute of the teen boy and girl at the beginning of the film. So, I'm thanked for my dialogue contributions, I suppose, and also the fact that I renamed most of the characters, giving them all Hitchcock names. This made me laugh out loud. Loomis, Crane, Fremont, Devareaux (from Topaz), Townsend (from North by Northwest), Lisa, Grace (I give one character the name Lisa Grace as in Lisa Fremont/Grace Kelly and another character Kelly Fremont as in Lisa Fremont/Grace Kelly. I don't know what Allen Garfield and Michael J. Pollard were on during filming, but whatever it was, it was POTENT.