Our version two years ago ended Act One with a short Magic to Do reprise and then intermission...
That's the one we have. I know bk mentioned last night that he remembers
Pippin not having an intermission and that's correct. Lots of community theatres need that intermission to make money and such and it became traditional to end "act one" with "Morning Glow". I remember the first time I did the show, we ending with "Morning Glow" and started "Act Two" with the "maestoso" section of "Morning Glow" and went forward from there.
The one thing I don't like about the new act break is that Act Two starts with dialogue and then into "Right Track", no entr'acte or anything. It's a little strange just "starting" an act like that.
DR Jose, I was quite fond of the manuscript version of the show myself and found myself referring back to it for cues and such. And yes, they removed "Ben" from the new score. Now if they could just remove "Mary" from the
Peter Pan score