Hi, all, we have arrived in northern Wisconsin--I will have to ketchup later.
Two things I must, must, must post immediately, however:
DR JANE: You MUST visit Wisconsin Dells if only to dine at the most fabulous vegetarian restaurant Betsy and I have ever been to, staffed by a bunch of graduates from the Course in Miracles program. It's called THE CHEESE FACTORY (they have a website--do a Google), and the food was so incredible even BK himself would have been ga-ga over it.
And BK--DW Wife Betsy continues to read your book and we had a big laugh today when you talked about the Brit named David doing the routine on the cruise boat when you were filming The Partridge Family. David is retired and lives in the little town of Newberg, Oregon now. His wife Jan is the former USO singer I worked with whom I believe I mentioned here a long time ago.