I have become increasingly depressed watching hurricane coverage. I don't want to get too political, but it is hard for me not to notice that there is a particular population that is being severely affected by the disaster.
It just makes me sad that there were many who didn't have the resources to evacuate, whether it be because they didn't have transportation or they had no insurance and were not it a position to leave their homes and belongings behind.
Sorry for the depressing topic, I guess it's time to turn off the news...
I have to say I feel the media, by way of information they were given, seriously underestimated the numbers of people who were left in the city when Katrina hit.
They were evacuating as early as last Friday...and by most accounts I heard, only a few thousands stayed behind for "whatever" reason.
Now, of course, it's clear tens of thousands not only stayed behind but possessed no means of escaping. Whether it was a lack of vehicle, or lack of money (and with that, nowhere to go), they stayed behind hoping that what little they had would be spared and that they could continue their lives.
Many of them probably work for hourly wages...dependent upon tourist trade and hotels and restaurants...and have large families.
I fear many large cities would find huge chunks of their populations would be left behind in event of evacuations because those people simply don't know where they would go and possess no resources to survive anywhere but where they know best.
I'm appalled, disgusted, disheartened and brokenhearted by all of it.