AMERICAN IDOL spoilers - - - - -
I found it for the most part an off night for the vocalists. For a change, I agreed with the judges. The singers have mostly fine voices, but song selection tonight left me feeling unsatisfied even with the best vocalists in the competition.
Among the worst have to be Heather (a beautiful girl with the most average voice remaining among the ladies) and the obnoxious, annoying, and mediocre Brenna.
Brenna marked her way through "Last Dance" and then proclaimed that it was an excellent performance! I'm glad SHE enjoyed it. I hope folks aren't keeping her around just for controversy sake or to see what further braying she can do about her talent and looks. She has GOT to go.
For me, the best performance of the night, and the most surprising compared to her quavery performance last week, was Ayla.