Good morning, all! I have to be at the NYU Dental Clinic by 8:30, so I'm moving rather quickly this morning to be out of here in about 45 minutes.
BK, Vinny mixed everyone of those rcordings in LA, and I know he had piano-conductors to work from; I spent too much time in photocopying scores at US Copy at 83rd and Amsterdam. There may be nothing on LOST IN BOSTON 1 & 2 because Jim Stenborg digitized thoses scores, but the PC's to "Unsung Musicals" and a lot of others were written in my hand and photocopied for Vinny. Perhaps the same situation that lost the brass parts to "Disneyland" lost the PCs? My scores for all those recordngs are now at the Library of Congress, so I can't even give myself copies.
After the Dental Clinic, the post office to mail all the chorus music for the recordings and then work on Mr Herbert here at the apartment. I have to call MTI with a question on THE MOST HAPPY FELLA; I open the new score and, after two edits, find wrong notes.
Happy New Year to all my Jewish friends!