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January 11, 2015:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, it is late and therefore I must write these here notes in a hurry because we have our stumble-through happening earlier than usual so I need a good night’s beauty sleep and that’s all there is to it.  I have no time to dilly-dally or even dally-dilly because I must write these here notes willy-nilly and nilly nally.

Yesterday was pretty much the day I needed it to be.  First off, I needed it to be a Saturday and it was.  I got up after about seven hours of sleep when she of the Evil Eye arrived.  Before leaving her to her devices, I managed to do almost all of the futzing and finessing and there was a lot of both – it took about an hour.  Then I went and had a cheese omelet and a bagel, then picked up some packages and then finally came back home.  By the time I’d finished breakfast it was raining – lightly, but raining.  That continued through the entire day and evening.

Once home, I finished the futzing and finessing, completely revised the end of a chapter and then began with the new pages.  I wrote about two, then watched the first half of a motion picture entitled Hemel (Dutch for Heaven, the name of the lead character).  I wanted to see it because its star is the same young gal who was in APP and I read that this was a really good performance and indeed it was.  The film is a bit of an artsy bore, with lots of nudity and lingering shots of people looking at things.  I took a break and wrote two more pages, then finished it.

Then I wrote four more pages, then watched another motion picture, this one entitled Atlas Shrugged Part Three.  Now, I know parts one and two weren’t really good movies, but I enjoyed them because I enjoyed what they had to say.  Of course it was downright peculiar that the second film had an entirely different cast playing all the roles from the first film, but still I went along with it because the film’s Ayn Rand themes were intriguing to me, despite the less-than-wonderful adaptation.  Both were competently done.  So, I thought part three would be along those lines, but that was not to be.  First of all, part three has ANOTHER entirely new cast of actors playing all the roles.  How can you watch a trilogy when the characters are played by different actors in each part?  It’s downright silly.  But the real problem here is that part three is the worst written of the three films, the worst directed, and the worst acted.  There is so much schmacting going on it’s unbelievable – ham for days.  The actors are just really not good in this.  They may be good actors in other things, but here they certainly had no help and no one at the helm.  The dialogue is one horrible line after another.  They do condense the big speech from the book down to five or six minutes, but it’s all such a mish-mash that ultimately Atlas wasn’t the only one who shrugged – I Shrugged.

I made a half-portion of Wacky Noodles for the evening snack and ate that all up, then wrote more pages, about five.  That brought me to the point where I needed something clever to end a chapter with.  I went and took a hot shower, got a really good idea – one that I’d been thinking about but couldn’t figure out how to make work – and I quickly finished the end of the chapter and wrote another page beyond it of the new chapter.  So, all in all, twelve pages again.  I’m really enjoying this pace, although sometimes it does get daunting.

Tomorrow, I will be up by nine-thirty at the latest and I’ll do all my morning ablutions, get the house set up for the stumble-through, and then do as much futzing and finessing as I can before people start arriving at eleven-thirty.  The stumble-through is at noon, and then I’m sure I’ll work some stuff with the kids, then some of us will go out and eat.  Once I’m back, then I’ll do as many pages as the traffic will allow – even if that’s all I do, instead of also trying to watch a movie.  And I’ll be checking in regularly to see how the Golden Globes are going.

Tomorrow, I’ll write until it’s time to leave for sound check, and then it’s our show.  After, I’m sure some of us will grab a bite, although it’s a school night for kids so I’m not sure how many will actually come out.  The rest of the week is finishing casting the next Kritzerland show and getting everyone their music (really behind on this one), writing all week, getting Muse Margaret her second batch of pages on Thursday, which will probably be as big as the first batch, and I also have some meetings and meals and I need a few miracles so send excellent vibes and xylophones if you can.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, futz and finesse, have a stumble-through, eat, and write.  Today’s topic of discussion: It’s free-for-all day, the day in which you dear readers get to make with the topics and we all get to post about them.  So, let’s have loads of lovely topics and loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, after which Atlas and I will shrug.

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