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August 1, 2023:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I have breaking bombshell news – are you sitting down? It is August. Yes, you heard it here, dear readers, it is August and it is my fervent hope and prayer that August will be a month filled with health, wealth, happiness, creativity, and all things bright and beautiful. Now, if August lives up to any of its meanings, that will be wonderful, said meanings include grand, majestic, impressive, dignified, stately, and eminent. Aren’t those fine august meanings for August? Earlier, when it was still July, I watched a dreadfully dreadful motion picture from 2010 entitled The Final, about a group of bullied schoolkids who decide to take revenge on the bullies, both male and female. The script was from hunger, the acting was poor, the direction was typical and for a ninety-three-minute film it seemed double that length because basically it was just an endless talkfest with moments of revenge porn. When you have the mean girls acting so over the top and stupid, when the bullies are over the top, then none of it is believable. It’s fun that the bullied get their revenge ideas from horror movies, but that’s about it. There’s a lot of implied violence, but you never actually see it because I’m sure the budget was VERY low. Anyway, this comes highly NOT recommended by the likes of me. I also forgot to mention, that the night before I watched the final episode about the serial killer who targeted gay people in New York back in the early 1990s. How they found the killer was interesting and while it was drawn out over four episodes, it at least wasn’t drawn out to eight episodes. It’s called Last Call.

Yesterday was certainly the last day of July. I got ten hours of very good sleep, got up, answered e-mails, then began futzing and finessing, which took ninety minutes. Then I sent eighty-nine pages to Muse Margaret, then wrote about a page. I ordered a small Marco’s pizza, but I didn’t get my usual pepperoni, I got one called the Deluxe – same price (and they had a 15% off sale) and consisting of pepperoni, sausage, green peppers, mushrooms, and onions. I wrote another half a page and then it arrived, and I am here to tell you it was pretty damn great and I’ll be having that again. After that, I began writing but it was slow going and I only did about three pages. I ascertained that both important envelopes had arrived, but rather than do the extra trip, I decided to get them this morning and then go right to the bank afterwards.

Then Muse Margaret called, and she told me she loved all the new pages, and she loves the detail and storytelling and she had zero notes on this batch. That was great to hear and gave me a little jump start and I wrote five more pages right then. Then I watched the movie, and then wrote another four pages for a total of eleven, although it will probably be twelve by the time I go to bed, as I left off right in the middle of something that will be easy to finish and it’s just another page or so.

Today, I’ll be up by ten, I’ll go to the mail place and get the two important envelopes, I’ll go to the bank and cash a check, I’ll go to my bank and deposit it, then I’ll come home, futz and finesse and try to write a few new pages. Then I have a two o’clock lunch meeting that should last about an hour or so, then I’ll come right home and write more pages, at least ten, if not a few more, as I’m coming up on the end of a chapter, which will put me more than halfway through. At some point, I’ll watch, listen, and relax.

The rest of the week is mostly writing, with maybe another lunch meeting, and also shipping out a LOT of CDs. I’m not sure what the weekend holds.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, be up by ten, go to the mail place and get two important envelopes, cash a check, deposit cash, futz and finesse, write some new pages, have a lunch meeting, write more new pages, and then watch, listen, and relax. Today’s topic of discussion: Were you bullied in school and if so, how did you handle it. Those who’ve read the Kritzer books know that I was relentlessly bullied, mostly in junior high school. Luckily, I was befriended by a guy who was tougher than the bullies and he was my protector. Robert Liebenau was his name and he just passed away a few months ago. I saw him at a few reunions and told him how much his helping me meant. He was very impressed with my novels, and when it came time for him to write a book, I helped him when he needed help. Your turn. Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, happy to welcome in August with all its meanings.

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