We have been invited to our friends annula Halloween bash. Our friends love Halloween and always throws a great party, it used to be adults only but since the birth of their son a couple of years ago, and thier purchase of a lovely large house with a built in ready to hand playroom they have opened it to the kiddies too. This year they have invited the Vixter to bring two of her girlfriends along and they are all busy planning their outfits.
The ixter wanted to goa s some anime character but er were unable to find a suitable outfitm however while waiting for the AAA to rescue us at the GoodWill last Saturday... (I went to drop off three big bags of clothes, I left the Vixter inthe car and went around the back of the sattion wagon to take out the bags of clothes, leaving my keys inthe ignition, I shut the back of the car and turned around to see the Vixcter standing next to me, She had decided to get out to help me carry, locking the car door behind her, my keys and pocketbook safely locked inside) ANYWAY to kill time waiitng for the AAA to show up we wandered rounf the GoodWill where we found a beautiful light blue formal dress exactly the Vixter's size and for which she already owned the perrect shoes and it only cost $14!!
So she'll wear that along with my crysTal tiara and crystal necklace and earrings and go as Madame Pompador!