RE: last night's SURVIVOR finaleDid nobody write about this?
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I rushed home from dinner last night. It was hard to catch up. it seemed like there were hardly any commercials. Anyhow i must say i was completely shocked by the vote. Obviousy we don't know until the finale if there will be F2 or F3. And we don't know who will win immunities. But it was not surprising that natalie was booted. And i expected parv and amanda to take each other.
But i cannot believe parvati won. My local paper had her as a million to 1. After realizing it was F2 and not F3 (i sort of think amanda would have won if it had been F3) i realized alexis and nat would vote for parv. But i was shocked at erik's attitude towards amanda. And eliza too. She was so bitchy.
Was anyone else as annoyed as me that we did not find out who was the other vote for amanda. And i would have liked to know what the vote would have been if amanda had chosen cirie. Usually we find that stuff out. So i was annoyed at jeff probst.
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