Spritzzzz! My spit take for the night.
We were BK's neck of the woods most of the night with The Ellisons and Mark and Dave, two amusing and bright TV critics. We started out at 6:00 at a little Thai restaurant on that little off-shoot of Ventura right before Laurel Blvd (Laurel Terrace?), then we went across the street to Du-Par's for pie and coffee. We kept Harlan way up past his bedtime, rolling out of Du-par's near 11:00. We laughed and laughed and when we thought we could not wring one more chuckle out, we laughed some more.
Bright, witty, intelligent repartee and conversation. We were a mini-Algonquin Roundtable. Stories, anecdotes, jokes, and barbs abounded. Harlan also gave me a wonderful array of CDs...Stan Getz, Duke Ellington, Charlie Barnett, Jimmy Dorsey, and a Porgy and Bess with Mel Torme,Frances Fay, Johnny Hartman, & Bob Dorough and a few other goodies. A swell time was had by all.