Watching on of Alain Resnais' last films, You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet. The man was certainly influenced by Folloiws, as we know because it was on the basis of that score that he hired Sondheim to do the Stavisky score.
In this film, two casts of a director's previous productions of Anouilh's Eurydice are called together after the director's death to watch a filmed version of a new cast. Soon, the actors of the previous productions take over the roles and relieve the show with all of the knowledge that they've gained in the intervening years. Roles of youth are played out before their eyes and then reenacted through the patina of age. Do we learn anything? Do we learn enough? Are the follies of youth the same follies of early middle and late middle age?
I had seen this at the movies and had forgotten about it, yet images just started coming back recently. For several weeks, I couldn't remember the name, the director, the cast (fairly famous French actors and Resnais regulars). Thankfully, the library had a copy.