What a morning! I haven't stopped - three huge boxes to package up, several little ones, had to reorder the Skinner/Ripley CD (and hope I don't sell out before they're repressed - seven days turnaround), and am having major payroll service problems. I agreed to help out our pal Rupert Holmes, who had to record some demos for his new show Dorian. He's not a signator to AFTRA and I am, so I said I'd use Kritzerland and we'd go through the payroll service for him. So, we sent the paperwork to the company that did the Skinner/Ripley payroll and they can't do it - it's a one-woman operation and her husband is sick and she doesn't have the time. Unbelievable. So, I'm running around trying to find another payroll service - the big ones want Kritzerland to have liability insurance which, of course, we don't, and I'm not going to get any in the near future, since WE'RE a one-man operation. Man. Next time, no favors.