Big Brother 6 Spoilage:
DR Jennifer: I thought I'd recommend reading the entire transcript at the Canoe site, but I find that John Powelll really glosses over a lot of what goes on.
In this case, here is what transpired:
Two days ago, Ivette was nominated for eviction to replace James. She was the designated "pawn" so far as anyone knew (although last night, she said she got scared when she heard Howie's reason for putting her up...and Howie had mumbled some words about Ivette being a huge threat as a strong player).
Yesterday, Ivette voiced some concerns to Maggie and others about how she felt things had changed. First, she told Maggie that April and Jenn had spent a long time in the HOH room. Ivette said April claimed she and Jenn had been playing chess, but Beau had told her they were in HOH. Ivette, mad at April, was sure something sinister was going on.
What happened two nights ago was that April (mad at Ivette) and Jenn (who loves to be included in things sinister) went to the HOH room. While there, they played chess. But also while there, April proposed the possibility of voting off Ivette rather than Sarah. She alleged that James and Ivette had a pact of their own and would be Howie's downfall. She said she felt Maggie might be receptive to voting out Ivette, as well. She was full of vitriol (you know how she stirs herself up) and by the end of the discussion they had all agreed to vote for Ivette. Howie left the room to tell James about the plan.
Yesterday, however, Ivette was acting like she was doomed and insinuating that April had made a new deal with "the bad guys." Jenn -- little miss stab-you-in-the-back -- couldn't handle having a secret and spilled her guts to Maggie...couching everything in terms of making the idea sound like Howie's group's idea and soft-pedaling everything to ensure Maggie didn't turn on her. Later, she and April had a long conversation during which Jenn poured out some pent-up anger against April for perpetuating a "rumor" about something that either did or did not happen to Jenn in college (I never got the full story on that one).
Maggie brought her folks together and everyone agreed they needed to stick together. Later, April and Jenn broke the news to Howie and Rachel and Janelle about how they had never "promised" anything and how they needed to stay true to their word about "this week".
So...true to form...April stirred up stuff and made an offer she had to retract, and mostly because of Jenn who also offered to switch votes (again) and retracted (again). I hate, loathe and despise them both and sincerely hope they both go on the block next week.
Howie had vowed to expose April's and Jenn's plan to Maggie and the rest of their alliance if they backed out, but apparently has changed his mind.
He or Rachel needs to talk to Maggie (who thinks they don't know she knows) and tell them what happened, what was proposed, and how it was proposed in Maggie's name, as well.