Good morning, all! The temperature here at Randyland is rather cool; Randy arrived home too late for me to take him and Jo to dinner, and of course it was done deliberately since he's pissed at me for the realtor nonsense. Poor Jo's in the middle, which I hate, and all I want to do at the moment is board a plane and get my ass back to NYC.
This afternoon I will see my friend Loyce and her family, and I look forward to that. I'll spend some time today packing, and on my way into town, I will stop at a store and pick up some packing tape to ship a package back to Ohio tomorrow before I drive to the Dayton airport.
I've almost finished the Kay Thompson bio; she becomes more of a selfish, egomaniacal, petty ass every chapter. I suspect I'll finish this tonight and need to pick up another book in Dayton for the plane.