I will be getting partial plates from the dental clinic, and today I had another tooth extracted to facilitate the procedure. When my mother was about my age, she had nearly every tooth in her head pulled for plates. While i'd rather keep what i have, 20 years of no dental insurance and congenitally missing teeth because of my Appalachian white trash background have made the plates a necessary evil and I hope i come to love them.
While the pain is not so excruciating as the last extraction in July, it is still painful, and I'm just uncomfortable enough to be unhappy about it. I just took two Tylenol with codeine and a Tylenol PM. As soon as I know the VCR is taping SOUTH PACIFIC, I am turning off the lights and passing out. I have to be up tomorrow morning at 6:30 for the McGlinnventory, and I want to get plenty of rest tonight.